Сражения, турниры, поединки
1. Account of the Deed of Arms at St. Inglevert / Chronographia Regum Francorum
Adam Murimuth. Continuatio Chronicarum //http://www.nipissingu.caMepartmentflHStorv/muhlberger/chroniauAexts/murimutl. htm
3. A deed of arms at Bordeaux before Sir John Harpedon (1387) / Froissart J.
Chroniques //
4. A deed of arms at Bordeaux before the duke of Lancaster (1389) / Froissart J.
Chroniques //
5. A deed of Arms at Montereau sur Yonne (1338) / Froissart J. Chroniques // http://www.nipissingu.ca/departmentybistorv/muhlberger/froissart/deedvonn.htm
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7. A proposed deed of twenty against twenty / Life of Boucicaut // http://www.nipissingu.ca/departmentybistorv/muhlberger/chroniau/textsA)ouceng. htm#Twentv
8. Anonimalle Chronicle //
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http://www.nipissingu.caAiepartment^nstory/muhlberger/chroniauAexts/TFnRTY. HTM
11. Deed of arms at St. Inglevert / Chronique du religieux de Saint-Denis // http://www.nipissingu.ca/departmenPbistorv/muhlberger/chroniauy^texts/relstden.h tm#stingleng
Edward Ill's, 1359 campaign in France / Thomas Grey ofHeton. Scalacronica // http://www.nipissingu.ca/departmentybistorv/muhlberger/chroniQu/texts/scala.htm13. Hastiludes / Chronique du religieux de Saint-Denis // http://www.nipissingu.ca/department^istorv/muhlberger/chroniau/texts/relstden.h tm#hastiludeseng
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15. Geoffrey Ie Baker. Chronicle //
http://www.nipissingu.ca/department^iistorv/muhlberger/chroniau/texts/glebaker. htm
16. Henry Knighton. Chronicle //
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18. Historia Vitae et Regni Ricardi Secundi - early 15th century // http://www.nipissingu.ca/department^iistorv/muhlberger/chroniQu/texts^istvitl.ht m
19. Jean Juvenal des Ursins. Histoire de Charles VI, Roy de France // http://www.nipissingu.caAtepartment^storv/muhlberger/chroniauAexts/ursins.ht Ш
20Joust between Jean Boucinel and Nicholas Clifford - 1381 / Froissart J. Chroniques //
21Joust between John Holland and Reginald de Roye at Entenca - 1387 / Froissart J. Chroniques //
22Joust between Miles Windsor and Tristan de Roye - 1382 / Froissart J. Chroniques // http://www.nipissingu.cay^department^iistorv/muhlberger/froissart/rove.htm
23.Jousts with Peter de Courtenay and Thomas de Clifford / Life of Boucicaut // http://www.nipissingu.ca/department^istorv/muhlberger/chroniqu/textsA)ouceng. htm#"Peter
24Jousting at Queen Isabella's entry into Paris - 1389 / Froissart J. Chroniques // http://www.nipissingu.cay^departmentyhistorv/muhlberger/froissar^paris.htm
25. Jousting of the Lady Virgin //
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29. Lancaster Joust, 1338 / Androw ofWyntoun. The Orygynale Chronykil of Scotland //
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