Список литературы
Abernathy, W.J., and К. Wayne. «Limits of the Learning Curve». Harvard Business Review, 52 (September—October 1974), pp. 109—19.
Anthony, Robert N. «What Should «Cost» Mean?» Harvard Business Review (May—June 1970), pp.
121-31.Bassett, Lowell. «Returns to Scale and Cost Curves». Southern Economic Journal (October 1969), pp. 189-90.
Berndt, Ernst R., and Catherine J. Morrison. «Capacity Utilization Measures: Underlying Economic Theory and an Alternative Approach». American Economic Review (May 1981), pp. 48—52.
Ghemawat, Pankaj. «Building Strategy on the Experience Curve». Harvard Business Review, 63 (March—April 1985), pp. 143-49.
Hubbard, L.J, and P.J. Dawson. «Ex Ante and Ex Post Long-Run Average Cost Functions», Applied Economics, 19, no. 10 (October 1987), p. 1411.
Koot, Ronald $., and David A. Walker. «Short-Run Cost Functions of a Multiproduct Firm». Journal of Industrial Economics (April 1970), pp. 118—28.
McElroy, F.W. «Return to Scale of Cost Curves: Comment». Southern Economic Journal (October 1970), pp. 227—28.
Miller, Edward, M. «The Extent of Economies of Scale: The Effect of Firm Size on Labor Productivity and Wage Rates». Southern Economic Journal (January 1978), pp. 470—87.
Revier, Charles: F. «The Elasticity of Scale, the Shape of Average Costs, and the Envelope Theorem». American Economic Review, 77, no. 3 (June 1987), p. 486.
Shephard, A. Ross. «А Note on the Firm's Long-Run Average Cost Curve». Quarterly Review of Economics and Business (Spring 1971), pp. 77—79.
Walters, A.A. «Production and Cost Functions: An Econometric Survey». Econometrics (January—April 1963), pp. 1—66.