Список литератур
Bernhardt, Irwin. «Sources of Productivity Differences among Canadian Manufacturing Industries». Review of Economics and Statistics (November 1981), pp. 504 - 12.
Caves, Douglas W.; Laurits R.
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Huettner, D.A., and J.H. Landon. «Electric Utilities: Scale Economies and Deseconomies». 'Southern Economic Journal (April 1978), pp. 883 - 912.
Kopp, Raymond. «The Measurement of Productive Efficiency: A Reconsideration». Quarterly Journal of Economics (August 1981), pp. 477 — 504.
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Schlutter G., and P. Beeson. «Components of Labor Productivity Growth in the Food System, 1958 - 67». Review of Economics and Statistics (August 1981), pp. 378 — 87.
Walters, A.A. «Production and Cost Functions: An Economertic Survey». Econometrics - (January-April 1963), pp. 1—66.