Публікації, в яких опубліковано основні наукові результати
1. Неврозов О. Б. Адміністративно-правове регулювання діяльності прокуратури в Україні. Прикарпатський юридичний вісник.
2015. № 3 (9). Т. 3.С. 183-187.2. Неврозов О. Б. Поняття та елементи адміністративно-правового статусу прокуратури України. Науковий вісник Херсонського державного університету. Серія «Юридичні науки». 2015. Випуск 3-2. Т. 4. С. 88-92.
3. Nevrozov O. B. Administrative and legal aspects of prosecution Ukraine. Visegradjournal on human rights. 2015. № 6-2. P. 62-66. (Словенія).
4. Неврозов О. Б. Зарубіжний досвід визначення адміністративно - правового статусу прокуратури. Науковий вісник публічного та приватного права. 2016. № 1. С. 107-111.
5. Неврозов О. Б. Адміністративні права та обов’язки прокурорів. Науковий вісник публічного та приватного права. 2016. № 2. С. 132-136.
6. Неврозов А. Б. Административной ответственности в сфере деятельности прокуратуры Украины. Право и Закон. 2016. № 4. С. 107-112. (Киргизия).
7. Неврозов О. Б. Адміністративна компетенція прокуратури України. Науковий вісник публічного та приватного права. 2017. № 1. С. 149-153.
Публікації, які засвідчують апробацію матеріалів дисертації:
8. Неврозов О. Б. Актуальні питання законодавчого врегулювання адміністративних прав та обов’язків прокуратури України. Сучасні проблеми правової системи та державотворення в Україні: матеріали міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (м. Запоріжжя, 27-28 лют. 2015 р.). Запоріжжя: Запорізька міська громадська організація «Істина», 2015. С. 8487.
9. Неврозов О. Б. Адміністративно-правовий статус прокуратури України: проблематика визначення поняття. Вітчизняна юридична наука в умовах сучасності: матеріали міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (м. Харків, 20-21 берез. 2015 року). Харків: ГО «Асоціація аспірантів - юристів», 2015.
С. 24-26.10. Неврозов О. Б. Актуальні питання дефініції поняття «адміністративна компетенція» на прикладі прокуратури України. Державне регулювання суспільних відносин: розвиток законодавства та проблеми правозастосування: міжнародна науково-практична конференція (м. Київ, 89 лип. 2016 р.). К.: Центр правових наукових досліджень, 2016. С. 100-102.
Nevrozov O. B. Administrative and legal status of public prosecution in Ukraine. - The manuscript.
The thesis for the degree of candidate of juridical sciences, specialty 12.00.07 - administrative law and process; finance law; information law. - Scientific Institute of Public Law, Kyiv, 2017.
It has been detected place and role of prosecutor of Ukraine in the government. It has a monopoly of state-power function for keeping public prosecution in court, judicial enforcement of the principle of legality in procedural activities of investigators and bodies that conduct investigative operations.
The concept of administrative and legal status of prosecutors Ukraine is a combination of administrative and legal elements that define the place and role of prosecution in the legal system. Unlike previously known, it increase the independence of the Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine from the legislature and the President of Ukraine, maintaining centralized system of hierarchical subordination prosecutors within the system.
There are the main features of the administrative and legal status of Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine immutability administrative and legal status of prosecutors, regardless of the place in entire prosecution system. It has been defined administrative procedure for acquiring legal prosecutors and guarantees of independence and social prosecutor's security as a mandatory element of administrative and legal status of prosecutors.
Moreover, it has been revealed the guarantees of independence and social security prosecutors as administrative and legal support of prosecutors, which is a series of legal measures aimed at the proper level of protection of public prosecutor, his political and social independence, financial stability, and in establishing European principles of regulation of activity of prosecutors.
It has been improved administrative and legal factors structure of Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine. As a result, there are systemic structural criteria of organizational structure of prosecutors at various levels, senior management, prosecutors which have powers in respect of subordinate prosecutors intermediate, which includes prosecutors engaged as internal management and procedural functions and links procedural prosecutors directly enforce the functions of the judiciary.
It has been proved that are the new elements in the prosecution system in Ukraine is a military prosecutor and anticorruption prosecutor's office of Ukraine. The law specifies that military prosecutors are the main military prosecutor's office (as a structural unit of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine), military prosecutor regions (the rights regional) military prosecutors of garrisons and other military prosecution (the rights of local).
It has been found out the scientific statements about administrative rights and obligations as prosecutors jurisdiction, provided that the Attorney General and subordinate prosecutors that, unlike previously covered, is set entirely within the general authorization power competence with respect to redress persons judiciary, prosecution the crime of criminal responsibility and protection of persons in the application of coercive measures related to restriction of personal freedoms.
There were developed the scientific statements regarding the procedure of appointment of the Attorney General, who manages all prosecutors, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (Ukrainian Parliament) by the President of Ukraine, after moving core competence in selecting the candidates to a special independent public body (public commission), leaving the head of state ceremonial powers - make a presentation of one of the candidates for the Attorney General of Ukraine, selected by the Commission.
It has been revealed an administrative competence of prosecution as a set of legal measures concerning the duties and rights of general, regional and local prosecutors, carried out on behalf of the state, identifying a leading restoring function in the courts violated rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the execution of control and supervisory functions in compliance laws in the operational activities and the use of coercive measures related to restriction of personal freedoms.
Moreover, it has been determined that the administrative responsibility in the sphere of prosecution Ukraine is an important factor in administrative and legal status of Prosecutor of Ukraine, composed of various elements of subjective feature. When prosecutors may be the subjects of administrative offences and have administrative competence. Particularly, in the observance of laws in administrative proceedings related to corruption and military administrative offenses.
The thesis were analyzed the administrative responsibility in the sphere of Ukraine Prosecutor. It has been revealed the peculiarities of administrative offenses of ensuring rights of individuals and entities access to public information. The object of such offense is the information from public registers, keeping them within the jurisdiction of the Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine. The subject of such offense is the prosecutors who made a deliberate or reckless illegal actions in this area.
It has been revealed and generalized comparative position of administrative and legal aspects of the status of the prosecution of foreign countries (USA, France, Lithuania, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany). The prosecution was significant narrowed in these counties while enhancing the professionalism and effectiveness in respect of the rights of persons in the judicial system, regardless of whether prosecutors formally belong to the judicial or executive branches. It has been concluded that the most successful for Ukraine is borrowing the experience of member states of the Eastern Partnership, in which the prosecution relates to the judiciary.
It has been developed the scientific statements about using the effective experience of the prosecutor's offices of EU member states - both executive bodies affiliated to the Ministry of Justice and the judiciary, with a focus on the experience of the Eastern Partnership states (Lithuania, Poland, Hungary, Czech
Republic) on strengthening the independence, fixing outside the legal status of political prosecution of security with a focus on the functions of the judiciary.
Furthermore, it has been determined that the leading factor in improving the administrative and legal status of prosecutors is to bring Ukraine administrative duties and rights of prosecutors, as well as provisions on the selection, appointment, dismissal of prosecutors and bringing them to administrative liability through implementation lawmaking draft Law of Ukraine "On bringing the legal status Prosecutor of Ukraine with the Constitution of Ukraine as a unified system of the judiciary ", which increases the independence of prosecutors from the President of Ukraine through competitive selection of candidate for the position of Attorney General (similar to the National Anti-Corruption Bureau) without changing the Constitution of Ukraine established procedures for its use.
It has been offered to add prosecutor's jurisdiction of obligation comprehensively, fully and impartially investigate the circumstances of the proceedings, to identify how such circumstances, exposing, and suspect, mitigate or aggravate sentence, It is necessary to give them proper legal assessment and ensure the legitimate and impartial judicial decisions.
It has been offered to add to CAO an article of protection the prosecutor for contempt implementation of his legal requirements and his high status as a representative body of the judiciary. It is necessary to establish liability for disrespect of prosecutor, expressed in willful evasion of arrival in the prosecution witness, plaintiff, and defendant or in disobedience of these individuals and other public order of the prosecutor, as well as for the commission by any actions that demonstrate a clear disregard for the prosecutor.
It has been proposed to create a single body of judicial self-government - Higher Qualification Commission of Judges and Prosecutors of Ukraine - through appropriate changes and additions to the special laws on judicial system and status of judges and the prosecutor's office. It is necessary to give the tool qualification and disciplinary commission of prosecutors to the Higher Qualification
Commission of Judges of Ukraine, with the addition of members elected Ukrainian Conference of prosecutors.
The results of our research can be the basis for further theoretical elaboration on administrative and legal status of prosecutors of Ukraine (act of implementation of the Research Institute of Public Law). The results can be used in law-making sphere for improving the current legislation on the legal status of administrative prosecution of Ukraine. The results of research can be used in studding process in the development and teaching of discipline "Problems of administrative and legal support in the judiciary independence", in the preparation of relevant textbooks, lectures (the act of implementing the Research Institute of Public Law).
Keywords: administrative responsibility, administrative duties,
administrative law, administrative and legal status, Attorney General, competence, location independence, the prosecution, the prosecutor, the role, structure, judiciary functions.
LIST OF APPLICANT’S PUBLICATIONS Main scientific results of the thesis:
1. Nevrozov O. B. Administrative and legal regulation of activity of public prosecution in Ukraine. Prykarpatsky Law Gazette. 2015. No. 3 (9). Т. 3. P. 183187.
2. Nevrozov O. B. The concept and elements of the administrative and legal status of prosecutors Ukraine. Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University. Series "Juridical Sciences". 2015. No. 3-2. Т. 4. P. 88-92.
3. Nevrozov O. B. Administrative and legal aspects of prosecution Ukraine. Visegradjournal on human rights. 2015. No. 6-2. P. 62-66.
4. Nevrozov O. B. Foreign experience determine of the administrative and legal status of prosecutors. Scientific Bulletin of public and private law. 2016. No. 1. P. 107-111.
5. Nevrozov O. B. Administrative rights and obligations of prosecutors. Scientific Bulletin ofpublic and private law. 2016. No. 2. P. 132-136.
6. Nevrozov O. B. Administrative responsibility in the sphere of activity of public prosecution in Ukraine. Right and Law. 2016. No. 4. P. 107-112.
7. Nevrozov O. B. Administrative competence of prosecution of Ukraine. Scientific Bulletin ofpublic and private law. 2017. No. 1. P. 149-153.
Publications of thesis approbation:
8. Nevrozov O. B. Current issues of legal regulation of the administrative rights and obligations of public prosecution in Ukraine. Actual problems of improvement of legislation and enforcement: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, Zaporizhia, 27-28 February 2015. Zaporizhia NGO "Istyna", 2015. P. 84-87.
9. Nevrozov O. B. The problem of the definition of the administrative and legal status of prosecutors Ukraine. Domestic juridical science in terms of modernity: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, Kharkov, 20-21
March 2015. Kharkov: NGO "Association of postgraduate lawyers", 2015. P. 2426.
10. Nevrozov O. B. Current issues of the definition of the term "administrative competence" in the example of the prosecution Ukraine. State regulation of social relations: the development of legislation and enforcement problems: International Scientific Conference, Kyiv, 8-9 July 2016. Kyiv: Center for Legal Research, 2016. P. 100-102.