які засвідчують основні наукові результати дисертації:
1. Селіванова Н. П. Принципи функціонування електронної системи публічних закупівель в Україні. Боротьба з організованою злочинністю і корупцією (теорія і практика).
2015. № 2. С. 98-103.2. Селіванова Н. П. Поняття та зміст адміністративно-правового забезпечення функціонування системи електронних закупівель в Україні. Науковий вісник публічного та приватного права. 2016. № 2. Том 2. С. 87-94.
3. Селіванова Н. П. Адміністративно-правові аспекти юридичної природи електронної системи закупівель. Науковий вісник Херсонського державного університету. Серія «Юридичні науки». 2016. Випуск 6-2. Т. 1. С. 127-132.
4. Селиванова Н. П. Методы административной деятельности в отношении функционирования системы электронных закупок в Украине. Право и Политика. 2016. № 4. С. 77-82.
5. Селіванова Н. П. Форми адміністративної діяльності публічної адміністрації щодо забезпечення функціонування системи електронних закупівель в Україні. Науковий вісник Ужгородського національного університету. Серія «Право». 2016. Випуск 41. Ч. 2. Т. 3. С. 61-66.
6. Селиванова Н. П. Административно-правовой статус публичной администрации, осуществляющее обеспечение функционирования системы электронных закупок в Украине. Право и Закон. 2017. № 2. С. 82-87.
7. Селіванова Н. П. Ефективний зарубіжний досвід забезпечення функціонування системи електронних закупівель. Науковий вісник публічного та приватного права. 2017. № 4. С. 207-212.
які засвідчують апробацію матеріалів дисертації:
8. Селіванова Н. П. Теоретичні питання визначення спеціальних принципів функціонування електронної системи публічних закупівель в Україні. Пріоритети розвитку юридичних наук у ХХІ столітті: Матеріали міжнародної науково-практичної конференції. (м. Одеса, 8-9 квітня 2016 р.). Одеса: ГО «Причорноморська фундація права», 2016.
С. 88-90.9. Селіванова Н. П. Актуальні питання досвіду Литви та Латвії у сфері забезпечення системи електронних закупівель. Сучасні проблеми правової системи та державотворення в Україні: Матеріали міжнародної науково- практичної конференції. (м. Запоріжжя, 24-25 березня 2017 р.). Запоріжжя: Запорізька міська громадська організація «Істина», 2017. С. 89-92.
10. Селіванова Н. П. Теоретичні аспекти визначення адміністративно -
правового статусу міністерства економічного розвитку і торгівлі України як уповноваженого органу у сфері публічних закупівель. Державне регулювання суспільних відносин: розвиток законодавства та проблеми
правозастосування: Міжнародна науково-практична конференція. (м. Київ, 910 вересня 2016 р.). К.: Центр правових наукових досліджень, 2016. С. 74-76.
Selivanova N. P. Administrative and legal support for the functioning of the electronic procurement system in Ukraine. - Qualifying scientific work.
Thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Law, specialty 12.00.07 - Administrative Law and Process; Financial Law; Information Law. - Research Institute of Public Law, Kyiv, 2017.
In the dissertation on the basis of the theory of administrative law, current legislation, achievements of the public administration, a new solution to the scientific task regarding the administrative and legal provision of the functioning of the electronic procurement system is presented, and the most important scientific results are presented.
Improved concept of administrative and legal functioning of electronic procurement as an interrelated system of organizational and legal and administrative and technical principles, administrative tools of public administration activity based on the use of certified technical means and corresponding computer programs that create the proper conditions for the provision of goods and services to the public is improved institutions, organizations and enterprises.
Content of administrative and legal support is disclosed for the functioning of the electronic procurement system, which is determined by the administrative and legal factors of normative and institutional procurement of procurement, technical and legal and organizational means of functioning of the system of electronic purchases, forms and methods of administrative activity, administrative planning and reporting, administrative procedures guaranteeing efficiency and transparency of procurement, creation of a competitive environment in the public sphere their procurement, prevention of corruption in this area, the development of fair competition and the provision of quality administrative services to the public procurement.
It is emphasized that from the content of certain articles of the Constitution of Ukraine it can be concluded that the principles of public procurement are a logical extension of the constitutional norms regarding the guarantee of human and citizen rights and freedoms, the proper functioning of the budget system, the activities of state authorities and local self-government.
Considerable attention is also paid to the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, which introduces the main forms of cooperation between Ukraine and the EU, one of the results of which was the ratification by Ukraine of the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement, which defines the mandatory rules for public procurement and the approval of the Public Procurement Reform Strategy, in which the directions of introduction of the system of electronic purchases and measures of public procurement reform are formed. The special law of Ukraine dated December 25, 2015, No. 922-VIII «On Public Procurement» was analyzed, which, unlike the previous special law, provides for the implementation of public procurement through a transparent and open electronic system.
Found administrative and legal aspects of the legal nature of the e- procurement system based on the relevant special principles, the general theoretical provisions for the provision of administrative services and the electronic governance of the specifics of the administrative and legal status and administrative activity of the special public administration, which carries out administrative and legal regulation in this area, legal factors of creation and functioning, authorized electronic platforms, principles of publicity and control.
It is proved that public procurement is a system of orders from the side of public bodies, the procedure of which is established and determined by law, is carried out under the control of public authorities and the public in order to meet the public and economic interests of the state. Electronic Public Procurement System is an information and telecommunication system of administrative procedures, which are carried out by the subjects of the procurement process, determined by the legislation, is controlled and provided by public authorities and is of a public nature.
The bodies of public administration that ensure the functioning of the electronic procurement system in Ukraine include the Authorized Agency as the leading provider of information (Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine), control bodies (State Audit Office of Ukraine, State Treasury Service of Ukraine, Accounting Chamber of Ukraine), body the appeal (Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine) and law enforcement bodies in the system of state authorities.
Functions and powers of the Authorized Agency, represented by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, can be conditionally divided into: norm-setting, consisting of normative provision of public procurements; material and technical, which consist in the provision of electronic procurement system information; representative and consultative services, consisting both in the provision of administrative services and in support of international cooperation.
It is determined that the State Audit Office of Ukraine is the controlling central executive body, which, along with other entities, exercises control over the functioning of the electronic public procurement system in order to rationalize and properly use state funds.
The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine is a special entity in the field of functioning of the electronic public procurement system, as it acts as a controlling body and appeal body, that is, it has a double administrative and legal status in the field of public procurement, which is characterized by the presence of powers to control compliance with legislative procurement requirements for the prevention or termination of offenses in the field of public procurements and appealing against improper observance of procurement requirements.
The forms of administrative activity of the public administration in ensuring the functioning of the electronic procurement system in Ukraine are the leading means of administrative activity of the public administration actors, which are conditioned by the peculiarities of the authorities of the public administration in order to ensure the rights, freedoms and interests of the subjects of the procurement cycle.
The forms of administrative activity of the public administration regarding the functioning of the system of electronic procurement should include: normative activities through the publication of normative and individual acts; commit other legally significant administrative actions by the subjects of the procurement cycle; implementation of material and technical operations to ensure the functioning of the electronic procurement system.
It is proved that the publication of regulatory legal acts by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine is a leading form of administrative activity of an authorized entity and consists in sub-law-making on the definition of the administrative and legal status of the State Enterprise "Prosozorro", the procedure for the registration of authorized electronic platforms, the placement of information on public procurement.
The methods of administrative activity concerning the functioning of the system of electronic purchases in Ukraine are methods of targeted influence of the norms of administrative law implemented by the special public administration on the subjects of the procurement cycle, carried out in accordance with the procedure established by law in order to comply with legislation in the field of electronic procurement and protection the fundamental rights and legitimate interests of individuals, the public interest of the state and society as a whole.
The method of persuasion in the field of functioning of the system of electronic procurement is to inform the public about the effectiveness of the functioning of such a system, training of procurement entities in the proper use of the system of electronic procurement and promoting their proper conduct, as well as the dissemination of successful experience in ensuring the functioning of the electronic procurement system, both abroad and abroad.
In the sphere of functioning of the system of electronic purchases, measures of administrative termination are directly implemented by law enforcement agencies and the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, which through the permanent administrative board (college) to consider complaints about violations of the legislation in the field of public procurement reviews complaints of the participants in the procurement cycle and makes corresponding decisions restoring the rights eliminate the shortcomings of the tender documentation and stop illegal actions or decisions of the participants of public procurements.
The administrative procedure for ensuring the functioning of the electronic procurement system is a definite procedure for the administrative actions of the public administration of an organizational, legal and regulatory nature in the field of ensuring the functioning of the electronic procurement system, which results in the creation, modification or termination of administrative relations aimed at the proper execution of public procurements in order to satisfaction of the interests of the public administration, the participants of the procurement process and the union countries.
The following factors are attributed to the signs of administrative procedures for ensuring the functioning of the electronic procurement system: when they are implemented, certain administrative relations arise, change and cease; aimed at the proper implementation of public procurement; their purpose is to meet the interests of the public administration and the economic interests of the participants in the procurement process; are of a public nature; purposefully directed and executed in the established order; can be carried out in electronic form.
The administrative procedure for the disclosure of procurement information (including tender documentation) includes a system of public actions by the customer, the operator of the authorized site and the Authorized Agency, which consists in the dissemination of procurement information on the official web-portal of the electronic procurement system, observing the principles of publicity and legislative requirements about the information, to get acquainted with the relevant information of the participants of the procurement cycle and the public.
The administrative procedure of appeal is carried out through submission of the corresponding complaint by the participant of the procurement cycle to the appeal body, which, in accordance with the established procedure (registration of the application, the temporary cessation of the public procurement procedure, consideration of the application), and within the limits of the law, must make a decision that is made public in the electronic procurement system and is mandatory for execution by the entities of procurement, with the right to appeal it in court.
A comparative characteristic of foreign experience in ensuring the functioning of the electronic procurement system was conducted, which revealed that in the EU member states there are leading public administration actors, as executive bodies (in Lithuania, the Office of Public Procurement) as autonomous persons (in Bulgaria - State Procurement Agency, in Latvia - State Agency for Regional Development, in Portugal - National Agency for Foreign Trade and Investment, in the United Kingdom - Commercial and the coronation service) and as subordinate to the highest authorities of the person (in Poland, the Public Procurement Office), exercising power in the field of public procurement and formulating the relevant state policy, while in some states electronic systems of public procurement function and others are implemented relevant projects for the implementation of this system.
The legislation on the proper functioning of the electronic procurement system, aimed at strengthening administrative responsibility in the field of public procurement (with the deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or engage in certain activities), is being improved, the regulation of the peculiarities of conducting special public procurements and the implementation of subprocurement through the adoption by the central executive body of the relevant normative acts (to pass resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine «On approval of the implementation procedure on the peculiarities of the procurement of goods, works and services in the field of electric energy» and «On peculiarities of the procurement of goods, works and services in the field of natural gas»), as well as the bringing of related normative acts that regulate the procedure of conducting monitoring in the field of public procurement.
The practical significance of the results obtained is that the theoretical positions formulated and substantiated in the dissertation, the conclusions and propositions are implemented and can be used in the future: in the field of research - for further theoretical development of issues of administrative and legal support for the functioning of the electronic procurement system; enforcement activities - on improving the administrative and legal framework for the functioning of the electronic procurement system; in the educational process - during the development and teaching of academic disciplines «Actual problems of the theory of administrative law» and «Actual problems of administrative responsibility», when preparing relevant textbooks, manuals, lecture notes.
Key words: administrative and legal support, appeal body, authorized body, electronic system, forms of administrative activity, methods of administrative activity, principles, procedures, procurement system, public procurement.
LIST OF APPLICANT'S PUBLICATIONS Main scientific results of the thesis:
1. Selivanova N. P. Principles of the functioning of the electronic public procurement system in Ukraine. Fighting Organized Crime and Corruption (theory and practice). 2015. No. 2. P. 98-103.
2. Selivanova N. P. The notion and content of the administrative and legal support for the functioning of the electronic procurement system in Ukraine. Scientific Bulletin of Public and Private Law. 2016. No. 2. Volume 2. S. 87-94.
3. Selivanova N. P. Administrative-legal aspects of the legal nature of the electronic procurement system. Scientific Herald of Kherson State University. Series «Legal Sciences». 2016. Issue 6-2. T. 1. P. 127-132.
4. Selivanova N. P. Methods of administrative activity regarding the functioning of the electronic procurement system in Ukraine. Law and Politics. 2016. No. 4. P. 77-82.
5. Selivanova N. P. Forms of administrative admissions and publicity admi nistratsii shchodo zabezpechennya funktsionuvannya sistemi elektronnykh procurevel in Ukrain. Науковий вісник Ужгородського національного університету. Серія «The Right». 2016. Issue 41. Part 2. P. 61-66.
6. Selivanova N. P. Administrative and legal status of the public administration, which ensures the functioning of the electronic procurement system in Ukraine. Law and Law. 2017. № 2. P. 82-87.
7. Selivanova N. P. An effective foreign experience in ensuring the functioning of the electronic procurement system. Scientific Bulletin of Public and Private Law. 2017. No. 4. P. 207-212.
publications of thesis approbation:
8. Selivanova N. P. Theoretical issues of definition of the special principles of functioning of the electronic system of public procurement in Ukraine. Priorities of the development of legal sciences in the XXI century: Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. (Odessa, April 8-9, 2016). Odessa: NGO «Black Sea Fund of Law», 2016. P. 88-90.
9. Selivanova N. P. Topical questions of the experience of Lithuania and Latvia in the field of providing electronic procurement system. Modern Problems of the Legal System and State Building in Ukraine: Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. (Zaporozhye, March 24-25, 2017). Zaporozhye: Zaporizhzhya city public organization «Truth», 2017. P. 89-92.
10. Selivanova N. P. Theoretical aspects of determining the administrative and legal status of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine as an authorized body in the field of public procurement. State regulation of public relations: development of legislation and problems of law enforcement: International scientific and practical conference. (Kyiv, September 9-10, 2016). K.: Center for Legal Research, 2016. P. 74-76.